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1989-1993 Buell RS1200 Westwind Retro First Buell Street bike

The RS1200 was a first streetbike ever made by Buell and it's only produced 200 Units, pretty rare and unique for this age. Even it's an old bike but i found it for sale in eBay with "not really" expensive price. The owner of this Buell RS1200 open the bid around $7K.

1989-1993 Buell RS1200

1989-1993 Buell RS1200

This Bike is a continued project of Buell RR1200 Battle twin which is also produced in just a few amounts. Erick Buell wanted the faster bike, RS1200 has 70 HP horsepower that can run this 465 pounds bike in 120 mph.

1989-1993 Buell RS1200