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Yamaha Enduro Bikes Lists

Yamaha Enduro

Yamaha Manufactured enduro bikes from long old time ago in 70's until this 2020. There are so many great bikes in a row and i cannot decided te best to be honest, but i'm gonna show you the lists of Yamaha Enduro bikes that you can check if you want to collect them One by one.

Yamaha Enduro Bikes List

The following section was the lists of Yamaha Enduro bikes from early 1970 like Vintage Yamaha DT, CT, XT, TW, WR etc with various engine size from 50cc, 80cc to 500cc.

1971 Yamaha RT1B 360 Vintage Enduro

This was a Legit bike to collect, it's pretty rare and unique Yamaha RT1B 360cc Manufactured in 1971.

1971 Yamaha RT1B 360 Vintage Enduro bike

1973 Yamaha CT3 175 Classic Enduro

Still with the Classic Enduro from Yamaha, CT3 has 175cc Engine Size and it's Manufactured 1973.
1973 Yamaha CT3 175 Classic Enduro Bike

1981 Yamaha XT250 Retro Enduro

It's another Yamaha Enduro which hit the road with 250cc Displacement Engine. Yamaha XT250 itself was made in 1973.

1981 Yamaha XT250 Retro Enduro bike